Jean Mantha Tournament

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Date of birthLevelFormatPrice
2015 (U08)Festival5 vs 5$350
2014 (U09)D1, D27 vs 7$450
2013 (U10)D1, D27 vs 7$450
2012 (U11)D1, D29 vs 9$475
2011 (U12)D1, D29 vs 9$475
* In U11 and U12, the categories are D1 (equivalent to AA) and D2 (equivalent to A).

Minimum 4 matches guaranteed for all teams

Duration of group matches:

  • 5-aside soccer: 40 minutes (2 x 20 minutes)
  • 7-aside soccer: 40 minutes (2 x 20 minutes)*
  • 9-aside soccer: 50 minutes (2 x 25 minutes)*

* Playoff match: 50 minutes (2 x 25 minutes)

  • 5-aside soccer: maximum 10 players on the bench
  • 7-aside soccer: maximum 16 players on the bench
  • 9-aside soccer: maximum 18 players on the bench

Only three (3) coaches / managers with passports are authorized on the bench.

Mandatory for all registered players and coaches to be affiliated with their regional association or provincial federation (summer 2024) and to have proof of age (identity card/passport of Soccer Québec 2024 or of another province).

For a group match, if there is no winner after regulation time, each team will take three (3) kicks from the penalty mark in accordance with FIFA rules. (see tournament rules).

In order to declare a winner of a group match, the following points will be allocated:

  • WIN: 3 points
  • WIN by penalty kicks: 2 points
  • LOSS by penalty kicks: 1 point
  • LOSS: 0 point
  • FORFEIT: -1 point

The playoffs (semifinals and finals) or ranking games that end in a tie will be determined as follows:

  1. two 5 minutes periods to be played in their entirety;
  2. if the score is still tied, each team will take penalty kicks according to FIFA regulations (see the tournament rules).

Game sheets

Once schedules are online, each authorized person will receive a PTS-Tournoi access code and must complete a players and coaching personnel list (affiliation #, name, date of birth, jersey #s).

Teams must also print out tournament game sheets. You must print a sheet for each of your games plus 4 blank sheets (labelled « no numbers » in PTS-Tournoi). You must hand in all game sheets during your team registration, before your first game. Hand written game sheets will not be accepted.

On-site registration

On-site team registration will take place at the tournament headquarters according to the following schedule. Only the team representative must report to the registrar at least 60 minutes before the first game and bring all passports (all players and coaches as recorded on game sheets), 8 copies of the team’s game sheets printed from PTS-Tournoi (4 numbered corresponding to the matches guaranteed and 4 not numbered), the players list, and a travel permit if the team is from outside the the Lac St-Louis region.

Due to the large number of participating teams, all teams coming from the Greater Montreal area (within an hour drive of TMR or Outremont) must come register on Thursday, August 8. Please advise us, if you have a major impediment.

For all other teams, the team leader (coach or manager) must come to the Tournament Head Quarter (2nd floor of the TMR arena) at least an hour before their first game to register the team.

On-site registration hours:

  • Thursday, August 8th – 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the CCI (room #225.1)
  • Friday, August 9th – 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the TMR REC
  • Saturday, August 10th starting at 7:00 a.m. at the TMR REC

CCI: 999 McEachran, Outremont, H2V 3E6
TMR REC: 60 Roosevelt, Mont-Royal, H3R 1Z4

Please note that only one team representative is required at the registration tent. Players must go directly to the PLAYERS tent at the site of their game 45 minutes before their first game where a bracelet will be given to them for the duration of the tournament.


Deadline: July 8, 2024

The registration form can be found on the PTS-Tournoi site, which manages the registrations, schedules and standings of the event. It would be best to register before this date to guarantee your team a place in the tournament, the number of teams being limited. Once you have registered your team, you must send us your payment. The date of reception of the payment will determine the choice of teams.

No refunds after July 1, 2020.

Good conduct performance bond of $100 must also be given with your registration. Mail to: 999 McEachran #133, Outremont (QC) H2V 3E6

(1) Payment by internet – We strongly recommend this solution

To pay online with INTERAC, use this email (

  • Question: What is your favorite tournament?
  • Answer: CSMRO2024
  • Comment: please write your team’s category and division

(2) Payment by cheque

SVP émettre votre chèque couvrant les frais d’inscription à l’ordre du Please issue a cheque payable to CS MRO covering the registration fees and mail it to us at the following address before July 10, 2019. Make sure to identify your team name and category on your cheque.

999, rue McEachran bureau 133
Outremont (Quebec) H2V 3E6

PERFORMANCE BOND ($100) is necessary.

Along with the registration form and payment, the following documents (provided by your club) must be sent to the tournament by email at: To avoid any mistakes, we strongly recommend that you show up to registration with a copy of said documents:

Travel permit

Any team from outside the region ARS Lac St-Louis must get a travel permit from its regional association.

Players list

A list of players must also be provided. Generated by your club (PTS-Registrariat) for teams from Quebec.

No changes can be made to the list of players or coaches/managers after deposit and certification of the game sheets for the competition.